English study

Textbook for students of higher medical schools IV level of accreditation
edited by prof. Golka G., prof. Burianov O., prof. Klimovitsky V.

Traumatology and OrthopaedicsManual for students and practical doctors
edited by prof. Burianov O.


I. Introduction to the profession. Trauma care, polytrauma.

Modern principles of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with lesions of the musculoskeletal apparatus.

  1. The contribution of local scientists in the development of traumatology and orthopedics. Orthopedic and trauma education in Ukraine.
  2. Trauma injuries. Types of injuries.
  3. Structural and functional features of bone tissue. Reparative regeneration of bone tissue. Stages of regeneration. Violation of the regeneration of bone tissue. False joints.
  4. Fractures. Definitions. Types of bias fragments in fractures of long bones.
  5. Classification of fractures. Modern principles of treatment. Based on the symptoms of which can establish the diagnosis of a fracture?
  6. Dislocation. Definitions. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment shoulder dislocation.
  7. Principles of treatment of open injuries of bones and joints.
  8. Fractures of the proximal end of femur. Classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  9. Fractures and dislocations perelomo-bone forearm. Classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  10. Damage in the field of ankle-stage joint. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
II. Congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal apparatus

  1. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs of congenital muscular torticollis.
  2. Conservative and surgical treatment of congenital muscular torticollis, indications and methods.
  3. The definition of "scoliosis" and classification of scoliosis with etiology.
  4. Pathogenesis of scoliotic disease, its extent and clinical features.
  5. Basic principles of early recognition of scoliotic disease.
  6. Conservative and operative treatment of scoliotic disease and scoliosis.
  7. Cons posture and their clinical features. Etiology and treatment guidelines.
  8. Clinical and radiological signs of hip dysplasia.
  9. Treatment of dysplasia of the hip joint in childhood.
  10. Klinichni and radiological signs in front of hip dislocation.
  11. Likuvannya before hip dislocation in newborns, the first year of life and children over 3-4 years.
  12. Kliniko-roentgenological diagnosis of congenital hip dislocation before the age of 1 year.
  13. Osoblyvosti treatment of congenital hip dislocation in different age groups.
  14. Klinichni signs of congenital clubfoot and its classification.
  15. Treatment for congenital clubfoot 15.Konsrvatyvne, its methods and indications.
  16. The surgical treatment of congenital clubfoot, its methods and indications.
III. Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints.

  1. Osteoarthritis, classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment. articular cartilage (histology and biochemistry).
  2. Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head (ANHSK). Classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  3. Structural and functional features and metabolism of articular cartilage.
  4. Forms dystrophic-degenerative lesions of joints.
  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat OA. Classification, mechanism of action.
  6. The principles of conservative and surgical treatment of OA.
  7. Osteochondrosis. Pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  8. Spondilolistez. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  9. Spondylarthritis. Clinic, classification, diagnosis.
  10. Stenosis of spinal canal.
IV. Specific and nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the joints.

  1. Classification of inflammatory joint disease
  2. Reactive arthritis. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  3. Specific inflammatory joint diseases (bacterial arthritis, tuberculosis of bones and joints).
  4. Tuberculosis of bones and joints. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  5. Nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the joints (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, deviation, ankylosing spondylitis, etc.)..
  6. Rheumatoid arthritis. Etiopathogenesis. Pathomorphologic picture.
  7. Rheumatoid arthritis. Classification, the stage of activity, functional failure of the joint.
  8. Rheumatoid arthritis. Clinic on stages in the course.
  9. Rheumatoid arthritis. Conservative and operative treatment.
  10. Ortopedychna prevention of contractures and deformities in RA.
V. Tumors diseases of the musculoskeletal apparatus.

  1. Determination of tumor (benign, malignant).
  2. Classification of tumors.
  3. Benign tumors of cartilage.
  4. Benign tumors of bone.
  5. Benign tumors of connective tissue.
  6. Malignant tumors of cartilage.
  7. Malignant tumors of bone (Ewing's sarcoma. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment).
  8. Clinical course of benign and malignant tumors.
  9. Ways and methods of diagnosing cancer (differential diagnosis.
  10. Principles of treatment of tumors of the device movement and support.

  1. . Passport part.
  2. The complaints of the patient at the time of examination.
  3. Medical history of the disease.
  4. Medical history of life.
  5. The general condition of the patient (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary tract).
  6. Objective orthopedic examination (inspection, palpation, measurement of lengths and inspection functions of limbs).
  7. Description radiographs segments that were examined.
  8. Research data.
  9. Reasonable probable diagnosis.
  10. Differential diagnosis.
  11. Final diagnosis.
  12. The mechanism of injury (etiopathogenesis of the disease with literature data and characteristic clinical signs).
  13. Methods of treatment of such injuries (disease) depending on the duration of disease stage, age, etc.
  14. Reasonable treatment plan the patient.
  15. Possible errors and complications.
  16. Reasonable prognosis for life recovery efficiency.
  17. References.

(final module control)

  1. The contribution of local scientists in the development of traumatology and orthopedics.
  2. Orthopedic School in Ukraine, History of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics NMU O.O. Bogomolets
  3. Clinical diagnosis of hip dysplasia in early childhood.
  4. Clinical diagnosis of congenital hip dislocation in early childhood.
  5. Radiodiagnosis dysplasia hip joint.
  6. X-ray diagnostics of congenital dislocation hip in early childhood.
  7. Treatment of dysplasia of the hip joint.
  8. Treatment of congenital hip dislocation in children under 1 year.
  9. Clinic and treatment of congenital hip dislocation after 1 year.
  10. Congenital clubfoot. Ambulatory conservative treatment.
  11. Surgical treatment of clubfoot.
  12. Congenital muscular wryneck. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  13. Degenerative-dystrophic lesions of joints. Classification, clinical picture, renthendiahnostyka.
  14. Conservative and surgical treatment of deforming arthrosis of stages.
  15. Osteochondrosis. Pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  16. Scoliosis. Classification, clinical picture in stages.
  17. Conservative treatment of scoliosis.
  18. Operative treatment of scoliosis.
  19. Spondilolistez. Pathogenesis. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  20. The consequences of polio. Ambulatory treatment guidelines.
  21. Ploskostupist. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment principles.
  22. Ploskovalhusna deformity of the foot. Clinic, prevention and treatment.
  23. Amputation. Classification of amputation. Indications.
  24. Technology amputation, amputation types, priority of domestic scientists.
  25. Defects and diseases of the amputation stumps.
  26. Prosthetics, classification prosthesis, stump preparation for prosthetics.
  27. Osteohondropatiya femoral head. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  28. Osteohondropatiya buhrystosti tibia. Ambulatory treatment.
  29. Rheumatoid arthritis. Etiopathogenesis. Pathomorphologic picture.
  30. Rheumatoid arthritis. Classification, the stage of activity, functional failure of the joint.
  31. Rheumatoid atryt. Clinic on stages in the course.
  32. Rheumatoid arthritis. Conservative and operative treatment.
  33. Differential diagnosis infektartrytu.
  34. Orthopedic prevention of contractures and deformities in infektartryti.
  35. Zloyakistni tumor of bone. Diagnosis and treatment.
  36. Differential diagnosis of tumors.
  37. Clinic and classification of spastic paralysis.
  38. The principles of conservative and surgical treatment of spastic paralysis.
  39. Benign tumors of bone. Diagnosis and treatment.
  40. Regeneration of bone tissue.
  41. Fractures in the surgical neck of humerus. Classification, diagnosis, treatment principles.
  42. Diaphyseal fractures of the humerus, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  43. Above-and cherezvyrostkovi fractures humerus. Classification and treatment.
  44. Diaphyseal forearm fractures. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  45. Damage Montedzha and Haliatsiya. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  46. Radius fractures in a typical place. Classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  47. Scaphoid fractures addition. Classification, clinical picture and treatment.
  48. Folkmana contracture. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  49. Damage Bonnets. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  50. Posttraumatic dystrophy of extremities (Turnera-Zudeka syndrome). The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  51. Fractures of fingers addition. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  52. Treatment of injuries fractures addition.
  53. Femoral neck fractures. Classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  54. Trochanteric fractures of the femur region. Classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  55. Diaphyseal fractures of the femur. Classification. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  56. Fractures of the femur condyles. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  57. Fractures of the tibia condyles. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  58. Diaphyseal tibial fractures. Clinic, diagnostics, conservative treatment.
  59. Ankle Fractures areas. Classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  60. Calcaneus fractures. Ambulatory treatment.
  61. Fractures plyusny. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  62. Fractures of the pelvis. Classification, diagnosis, treatment.
  63. Treatment of fractures of the pelvis in violation of the rear ring. The period of disability.
  64. Treatment of a vertical fracture of the pelvic ring (anterior and posterior broadening rings).
  65. Fractures of transverse processes of vertebrae. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  66. Fractures of the vertebral bodies. Klisyfikatsiya, principles of diagnosis.
  67. Fractures of the vertebral bodies. Ambulatory treatment.
  68. Operative treatment of fractures of the vertebrae. Indicators transactions.
  69. Fractures of the olecranon. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  70. Patella fractures. Klanika, diagnosis, treatment.
  71. Clavicular fractures. Ambulatory treatment.
  72. Fractures blades. Classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  73. Shoulder dislocation. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  74. Central hip sprain. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  75. Dislocation forearm. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  76. Dislocation finger first addition. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  77. Hip dislocation. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  78. Leg sprain. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  79. First aid for damaged musculoskeletal system.
  80. Principles of treatment of open injuries of bones and joints.
  81. Errors and complications in the treatment of fractures. Classification.
  82. Damage to menisci of the knee joint. The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  83. Damage to the ligaments of the knee joint and ankle joint.The clinic, diagnosis, treatment.

Practical skills in traumatology and orthopedics for students of medical faculties

  1. Measurement of the relative and anatomical lengths of the limbs and segments, determination of the functional shortening of the leg.
  2. Measuring the volume of movements in the joints of the limbs (active and passive).
  3. Determination of the presence of free fluid in the cavity of the joints.
  4. Interpretation of X-rays with diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
  5. Transport immobilization in case of damage:
    - upper extremity;
    - lower extremity;
    - spine;
    - the pelvis
  6. Local anesthesia in case of Brewer's fractures.
  7. Preparation of gypsum bandages and lornets
  8. Overlays of lorrons, circular plaster bandages.
  9. Removing plaster bandages.
  10. Overlaying skeletal exhaust.
    - for the elbow appendix;
    - for distal femoral bone metaphysis;
    - for the roughness of the tibia;
    - for the heel hump
  11. Repositioning of fractures:
    - Radial bone in a typical location;
    - Humerus in the area of the surgical cervix.
  12. Removal of dislocations:
    - shoulder
    - forearm;
    - 1 finger of the brush.
  13. Puncture of the knee joint.
  14. Clinical diagnosis of hip dysplasia.
  15. X-ray diagnostics of hip dysplasia.
  16. Correcting gymnastics in case of congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system:
    - in the presence of dysplasia of the hip joint;
    - in the presence of congenital muscle cramps;
    - in the presence of congenital clubfoot.
  17. The use of orthopedic products in the treatment of congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system.

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